
Dominicana - good-to-knows

Dominicana - good-to-knows

September 15, 2017

Today we want to share with you a few interesting facts and provide practical tips about Dominican Republic.

Climate: Dominican Republic enjoys summer all year round. It is actually the only season because the average annual temperature on the island ranges from 18 to 27 Celsius degrees. Favourable climate is a result of the geographical location. The average air temperature in November hovers at 30 degrees Celsius.

Currency: The official currency of Republican Republic is the Dominican peso. The currency symbol is RD$. Each peso is divided into 100 cents. However, the prices in the stores or stands are also provided in US dollars.  If you need to exchange money, we recommend to use Money Exchange Spots or banks. Most of the hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards. Transactions are settledaccording to the official exchange rate for the day. Bargaining is a common thing between the seller and the buyer and it is worth trying when buying souvenirs.

Water: The current water is available to about  80% of the urban population. Due to the presence of the bacteria in the tap water, we recommend to drink purified bottled water.

Medicine: Most of the basic medicines are available in the pharmacies at reasonable prices.  In case you regularly take medicine, we advise you to take them with you.  You should also take mosquito repellents and drugs against allergies.

Did you know…

  • Amber is very popular in the Dominican Republic and it can be found also in blue colour,
  • Dominican Republic is known for sugar production which is the main industry of the country,
  • Rum is a national drink,
  • There are 36 airports in the country and 16 have concrete runways,
  • National motto is: Dios, Patria, Libertad (God, Homeland, Liberty),
  • National animal is the Palmchat (a bird).